(KNOX) – 2024 property tax abatements will be on the East Grand Forks City Council agenda at 6 p.m. Tuesday.
That will also be the time for the public hearing on the 2025 East Grand Forks budget.
The city is awaiting health insurance contract approval from four unions. Those costs will be factored before the final budget is due December 30.
The bottom line is a choice of a 7-percent increase in the Property Tax Levy…or a 3-percent increase. With either choice, general fund expenditures will exceed revenue.
Again the “truth in taxation” hearing is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 3.
The City of East Grand Forks is applying $126,000 from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency toward four project ideas that will be voted on at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
Most of the money will go toward playground equipment at Griggs Park, near Sacred Heart Schools.
There will also be 100 additional trees to be placed on private property; a sensory garden by the library; and costs covered for ADA improvements at LaFave Park.
The East Grand Forks City Council will be asked Tuesday to accept an updated facility use agreement.
Lutheran Social Services is terminating their site use agreement for the Senior Center kitchen, effective December 31.
Shortly after receiving the notice, Nurtrition Services Inc. alerted the city that NSI holds the contract… and plans to retain Lutheran Social Service employees and equipment…so meal service to the Senior Center will not be interrupted.
NSI is proposing a lease agreement with rent set at $750 per month.
The special deer hunt on the Greenway turned out good in the eyes of East Grand Forks Parks and Recreation director Jeremy King.
Ten participant licenses were issued out of 40 applicants, some from as far away as Oak-lee and Fargo.
Two hunters were allowed in five different zones delineated by landmarks.
Using crossbows, the hunters collected five does and one buck, described by King as being a nine-point buck.
King told KNOX, “It was a lot of work but I would consider it a success.