(KNOX) –Gov. Doug Burgum has issued an executive order clarifying the membership, role and terms of the Olmstead Commission, whose goal is to move North Dakota forward toward greater integration and inclusion for persons with disabilities with respect to community services and supports, employment, education, health care, housing and transportation.
Under the previous Olmstead Commission makeup, all but two of its 10 members would have termed out at the same time. The new executive order staggers terms, clarifies the Commission’s role and broadens the categories from which members may be appointed. An additional member also was added, increasing the total membership to 11 to avoid tie votes. Current members of the Olmstead Commission are encouraged to apply for reappointment.
The landmark Olmstead v. L.C. Supreme Court decision in June 1999 affirmed that unjustified segregation of individuals with disabilities constitutes discrimination under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In alignment with that decision, North Dakota created an Olmstead Commission in 2001 and committed to fostering community integration and inclusion for individuals with disabilities, striving to create an environment where people can live, learn, work and thrive in the least restrictive setting possible. In April, the Olmstead Commission announced the release of its first comprehensive update to the state plan since 2002.
For more information, visit the Olmstead Commission website.