Gov. Tim Walz has released a $982 million public infrastructure plan. The package, known as a bonding bill, will be a centerpiece of the governor’s agenda for the 2024 legislative session.
Budget Commissioner Erin Campbell says 45% of the package would go toward keeping up facilities owned by state agencies and higher education institutions.
Walz did not include anything for updates to the Xcel Energy Center in downtown St. Paul, the home of the Minnesota Wild, who have estimated that the 23-year-old arena may need as much as $300 million in renovations. Walz said that’s because neither the NHL team nor the city have submitted a formal proposal yet.
Funding for recreational projects in East Grand Forks also didn’t make the governor’s bonding list.
Legislators are sure to have their own ideas about what should be in a bonding bill. The state constitution requires 60% supermajorities in both the House and Senate to approve taking on more debt.