
Epitome move to GF…next steps

By Doug Barrett Dec 7, 2022 | 8:46 AM

The Grand Forks council is expected to give staff the green light next week to negotiate a development agreement for a proposed 400 million dollar soybean crushing plant.

Epitome Energy is eying 55 acres of land north of the city.  The parcel would then be annexed as the city would supply services to the site.

The development agreement will also spell out what if any financial support is needed to make the deal happen.

Epitome CEO Dennis Egan says his company is not looking for a handout – but a partnership.

City Administrator Todd Feland says like any project there are always some challenges – but plenty of upside as well.

Two northwest Minnesota lawmakers are blaming Governor Tim Walz for Epitome moving from Crookston (MN) to Grand Forks.  Senator Mark Johnson and Representative Deb Kiel claim the governor’s administration dragged its feet on the project resulting in a prolonged permitting process.


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