A Fargo man has been arrested for his involvement in a fatal drive-by shooting in 2020.
Fargo Police say 29-year-old Jesse James Burnett was taken into custody today (Fri). He faces charges of intentional murder, aggravated assault and reckless endangerment.
Forty-one-year-old Santino Marial was shot and killed on Aug. 28, 2020, while Marial was gathered with friends outside an apartment garage.
Burnett was arrested shortly before 10:00 this (Fri) morning during a joint operation between the Red River Valley SWAT Team and Fargo P-D during the execution of a high-risk search warrant at a private residence in south Fargo.
Another suspect in the case, 30-year-old Joshua Brooks, was arrested in September on charges of accomplice to murder and accomplice to aggravated assault.
Preliminary hearings are scheduled Nov. 2 for Brooks and Nov. 16 for Burnett.
Fargo Police Captain George Vinson said: “This was a two-year effort that involved numerous tips, leads and countless hours of investigative work. This is a significant step in securing justice for the Marial family.”
Fargo Police Chief Dave Zibolski stated, “I want to commend the hard work and dedication of our detectives, investigators, officers and law enforcement partners throughout the duration of this case. The FPD expresses its appreciation to the Cass County State’s Attorney’s Office and our law enforcement partners for their partnership and assistance in this investigation and the apprehension of Burnett. Today’s arrest is a testament to our team’s enduring and steadfast resolve, and provides a strong message to victim’s families that we continue to work these crimes until solved – they are not forgotten.”