
New GF company eyes pet food ingredients

By Doug Barrett Aug 30, 2022 | 8:26 AM

A California-based company is hoping to transform a waste stream from potato wash plants in the Red River Valley into a useable product for the pet food industry.

Red River Potatoes LLC is an expansion affiliate of Mesa Verde Trading Company. The firm has secured a site at 2250 Mill Road in Grand Forks for the $4.1 million dollar investment.
Managing Partner Jack Wiegand says access to raw materials and natural gas was a big selling point.  “Mainly waste streams from various food processors.  Obviously here in Grand Forks we are targeting a dehydrated potato.”

Wiegand says the company specializes in dehydrating products – so there won’t be any odor issues associated with the operation.  “We might receive a potato because it has a slight blemish on it or a defect.  It’s not like it’s a rotting potato.  So from an odor standpoint…no…we never have run into that issue.”

The company is asking the Grand Forks JDA for a PACE loan of nearly $81,000 dollars to help leverage a $150,000 dollar Bank of North Dakota grant. That money will help buy down interest on a $2.5 million dollar private loan.

The Grand Forks Growth Fund Committee has already reviewed the project plans.


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