The budget committee of the State Board of Higher Education has conditionally approved UND’s plan to tear down 35 buildings.
There are 29 apartment buildings ranging from six to 72 units. All were built between 1963 and 1982.
Also on the list: six residence halls (Bek, Hancock, McVey, Squires, Walsh and West) between 56 and 69 years old.
UND says removing the properties will save an estimated $61 million in capital renewal needs, plus operational expenses.
It’s tied in with UND’s planned $134 million project for new and remodeled student housing.
UND’s V-P for facilities Mike Pieper says the buildings will be razed over time.
“Within the project, we said we would manage the low-density apartments for up to 10 years, so this won’t be an overnight demolition and restoration, but more las ongoing work throughout the next few years as we get to stabilization post-construction,” Pieper said.
The budget committee okayed the proposal, subject to compliance with the North Dakota Historical Society, which has requested exterior photos and a report on the buildings’ historic context.
The full board will take up the matter on Thursday.
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