
Curry to command GFAFB 319th Reconnaissance Wing

By Pat Sweeney Jun 2, 2021 | 4:42 PM

The 319th Reconnaissance Wing of the Grand Forks Air Force Base will have a change of command.

Col. Cameron Pringle will relinquish command to Col. Timothy Curry in a June 28th ceremony.

The ceremony will also celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the arrival of the first RQ-4 Global Hawk to the Grand Forks base.

Pringle has been wing commander since 2019… leading a wing comprised of three groups, 14 squadrons and three detachments… and executing a budget of $70 million.

Curry is the wing’s current vice commander.

Before coming to Grand Forks, Curry was executive assistant to the Air Force Chief of Staff.


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