At a recent Grand Forks City Council meeting four members of the Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission were reappointed to their positions on the commission.
Grand Forks City Administrator Todd Feland said that the members up for reappointment to the Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission have been doing well with what they have been charged with. “These four members, Mr. Flemmer, Mr. Iseminger, Sandy Slater and also Bill Caraher, they all are currently on the board. They have been recommended to move forward from their director. So they are all doing a great job,” said Feland.
Reappointed unanimously were:
• Chuck Flemmer: Mr. Flemmer currently serves as a representative from the community and currently is the GFHPC’s Chairman. He has indicated his willingness to continue to serve another two year term on the GFHPC.
• Gordon Iseminger: Dr. Iseminger currently serves as a representative with a professional background in history and historic preservation. He has indicated his willingness to continue to serve another two year term on the GFHPC.
• Sandy Slater: Ms. Slater currently serves as a representative with a professional background in archival and historic preservation. She has indicated her willingness to continue to serve another two year term on the GFPHC.
“Many committees are mayoral recommended, city council approved,” Feland said.
The Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission provides research, resources, and expertise in the exercise of the City’s preservation goals and needs. The Commission provides local review for historic projects which would otherwise be reviewed by the state or federal government; time is saved and local control is maintained. The city’s budget allocation is doubled through the Commission’s grant writing efforts, and the City’s economic development efforts are enhanced by historic building preservation projects which the Commission actively promotes and facilitates. Grand Forks is more attractive and vibrant as a result of its commitment to historic preservation evidenced by the work of the Historic Preservation Commission.
The Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission consists of eleven community members from Grand Forks. Those members are appointed by the mayor and shall be persons who, in the opinion of the mayor, have demonstrated outstanding interest and knowledge in historical or architectural development. A majority of the commission members shall be made up of persons from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archeology or other historic preservation related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography or cultural anthropology, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community.