
UND fall enrollment tops 15,000

By Jim Johnson Sep 26, 2024 | 2:00 PM

(David Dodds/UND) –

From its modern low of 775 in 1943, right in the middle of World War II, fall enrollment at UND has been marked by peaks and valleys over the decades but has trended unmistakably upward.
In 2024, that trend continues, the University’s Official Census Headcount shows.
Defying national patterns of higher-education enrollment declines, UND’s overall enrollment increased by 847 students over last year to a total of 15,019 students. That’s the third highest total in the University’s history and marks the first time since 2013 that enrollment has surpassed 15,000 students.
“We are proud to announce a significant increase in enrollment, reflecting the hard work and dedication of our University Admissions team, our commitment to providing world-class education, fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment and offering an exceptional student experience,” said Janelle Kilgore, vice provost for Strategic Enrollment Management at UND.
“Our beautiful campus continues to attract students from diverse backgrounds, contributing to growth across all academic programs. This enrollment boost is a testament to UND’s commitment to increasing the workforce needs of North Dakota.”

New freshman enrollment up 24.86 percent

The overall enrollment jump represents a nearly 6 percent increase from the fall 2023 figure of 14,172. Last year’s total itself was significant, representing as it did the first time since 2017 that enrollment had topped out at more than 14,000 students.
The bulk of the enrollment increases are at the undergraduate level. Undergraduate enrollment at UND increased by 817 students, or 8 percent, to 11,033. Graduate enrollment also increased at UND. The number of new graduate students starting this fall was down slightly (by 49 students), but overall enrollment in UND graduate programs is up by 44 students to a total of 3,483.
Perhaps most significant in the enrollment report are these numbers: First, the number of new freshmen at UND increased by 439 students, to 2,205. That’s just under a 25 percent increase over the fall 2023 new-freshmen figure of 1,766.
Second, of the first-time, full-time freshmen who enrolled at UND last fall, fully 84.02 percent returned. And throughout the North Dakota University System, that’s the highest such rate recorded since the system started keep track of that statistic in the 1990s.