(KNOX) – Come Tuesday, the East Grand Forks City Council is likely to approve an amendment to the bylaws of the Parks and Recreation Commission… to meet quarterly instead of monthly.
Jeremy King says the designated months have been selected to coincide with the beginning and end of summer and winter programming.
It’s time for East Grand Forks Public Works to clean a portion of the sanitary sewer, this year the south end of town, west of Bygland Road and trouble areas. The contract will be awarded to Johnson Jet-Line for just under $104,000. East Grand Forks City Council is expected to approve the project at Tuesday’s meeting.
A lift station in the north end of East Grand Forks was built after the Flood of 1997. After 26 years, the pipes and fittings in the wet well are deteriorating and need replacement.
Public Works director Jason Stordahl says a flowmeter will be installed to monitor wastewater flows along with an electrical control building to get the lift station controls inside and out of the weather.
Stordahl says the situation is unique because the lift station is in a resident’s yard. Stordahl says if the contract is approved, the City will contact the resident.
East Grand Forks City Council is expected to authorize Widseth-Smith-Nolding to prepare plans and specifications at Tuesday’s meeting.