(KNOX) – North Dakota State Representative Eric Murphy (R-42) of Grand Forks has introduced legislation that deals with abortion.
“What that bill really does is enhance obstruct care in North Dakota,” says Murphy.
Under Murphy’s proposed legislation there would be a group of doctors established.
“We have some checks and balances in there. The bill has in it the formation of, it would be a confidential committee of three physicians, that would look at every medically necessary abortion request,” Murphy says.
Murphy says that there provisions in the bill for emergencies.
“If a woman is bleeding out because of placenta separation, they’re just going to do that procedure. Because they don’t have time to get a committee together,” says Murphy.
Murphy says that from weeks 16 to 26, abortions would be legal if they are deemed medically necessary.
The North Dakota State Legislative session gets underway this afternoon.