(KNOX) – Grand Forks City Finance Director Maureen Storstad says the city’s Lodging Tax is bringing in more money than expected.
“We budgeted $1,100,000. Lodging taxes is coming in favorably, we would estimate about $150,000 more,” Storstad says.
Each month, the City of Grand Forks collects the 3-percent Lodging Tax charged on hotel and motel stays within the city, and remits the collections to “Visit Greater Grand Forks.”
Collections are coming in strong, and are projected to exceed 2024’s budgeted revenues. As a result, the pass-through remittance to “Visit Greater Grand Forks” is also expected to exceed budget.
“The Greater Grand Forks Convention / Visitors Bureau was established by the city council to perform certain stated purpose,” says Storstad says. “Exercising the powers that are conferred on by the city council, which is to promote tourism activity in the Greater Grand Forks Area,” Storstad says.
Grand Forks City Council approved that the revenue and expenses be amended to reflect actual collections and remittances once the city receive the final two month’s collections for 2024.