(KNOX) – The Grand Forks Committee of the Whole was told of the problems that wipes that are flushed create.
Dan Hanson is the Water Operations Manager for the City of Grand Forks. He explained to the committee that even if the wipes say “flushable” on the packaging, they are not.
“Over the years as flushable wipes have become more prevalent, so have plugged pumps at lift stations. Just in case anyone is not aware, they are not flushable! They should go in the trash,” Hanson told the committee.
The committee approved buying new sanitary sewer pumps.
“We bid out pump that is made to handle the wipes. It grinds them up and passes them through. Hopefully it reduces plugs at the station and reduces maintenance for us,” Hanson says.
A vertical dry installed pump for wastewater and corresponding variable frequency drive from the only bidder Electric Pump in the amount of $107,990 was approved.
A pump will be replaced at Lift Station 32.
Since Lift Station 32 is one of two master stations, the pump can be installed over the winter while flows through the station are low.
By buying the pump and drive early, the City of Grand Forks can avoid any contractor markups in price.