
Grand Forks City Council and City Agency Responsible in Part for Project

By Bill Dubensky Sep 29, 2024 | 10:53 AM


(KNOX) -The Career Impact Academy, according to Grand Forks City Administrator Todd Feland, was made possible by city council and a city agency.

“On the current Impact Academy, again without the City of Grand Forks and the Jobs Development Authority, we wouldn’t have the current Impact Academy,” Feland said.

The Grand Forks Growth Fund, a Jobs Development Authority (JDA), is a city organization.

“We would not have that facility going up. As you drive by it on Gateway Drive, again without you and the JDA we wouldn’t be having the growth and development that we have right now,” Feland told city council. “Without the city and the JDA purchasing that property. Demolishing it, restoring it, we would not have that facility going up.”