
The way Certain Nonprofits are Funded by the City of Grand Forks Will not Change

By Bill Dubensky Sep 26, 2024 | 1:00 PM



(KNOX) -The way the Grand Forks City Council funds certain nonprofits will not change.

Council Member Tricia Berg voted against the change.

“The Mission is feeding upward of 300 people a day, but that’s not necessarily just children. The Mission provides limited housing support for children and families,” Berg said.

Grand Forks Mayor Brandon Bochenski explained to the council how the ordnance that they would be voting on works.

“This one is not changing the budget, other than the allocation of $159,135. Of that, $59,135 would go directly go to the Mission. The other $100,000 would be decided by the Community Action Committee through their competitive process,” Bochenski explained to city council before the vote.

“If we’re looking at a duplication of service, United Way would not be a duplication, because United Way is helping support families move out of poverty, and helping ensure that there are roofs over children’s heads,” Berg said.

“And I would also like to mention that there is a significant amount of homeless youth in Grand Forks, and I would encourage us to meet with the homeless social worker liaison through the school system to learn a little bit more,” Berg said before the vote.