
April 22-29 is National Infant Immunization Week

By Jim Johnson Apr 19, 2024 | 11:24 AM

(KNOX) – Childhood immunization rates dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic when many families were unable to keep up with well-child check-ups.
National Infant Immunization Week, April 22-29, is the perfect time to remind families to get children caught up on the vaccines that can protect against potentially life-threatening disease… such as measles…which as occurred recently in Minnesota.
Health officials say getting babies recommended immunizations by 2 years of age is the best way to protect them.
During National Infant Immunization Week, parents are urged to Check your child’s immunization record; Contact your child’s health care provider to schedule a visit and; Find a clinic that offers free or low-cost shots for children if your child does not have health insurance… or insurance may not cover all the costs.