(KNOX) – Tom Campbell has had a change of heart about running for North Dakota’s lone seat in the U.S. House of Representative.
The Republican posted on Facebook that he feels it would be a better use of his time to avoid a negative campaign, ignore any threats, and focus on the positive…where I can contribute to the well-being of others.
Campbell says he realizes North Dakota’s greatest asset is not agriculture nor oil… but its people.
Campbell’s withdrawal leaves Republicans Julie Fedorchak… former state representative Rick Becker… and Alex Balazs to fend for the nomination at next weekend’s state convention in Fargo. The Democratic candidate is Trygve Hammer.

Road Closure in Grand Forks
(File image) (KNOX) - Crews will be closing North 25th Street from 2nd Avenue North to University Avenue in Grand Forks starting on Monday, March 24th. Crews need to repair a utility line along N. 25th St. The closure will be in place for one week, w...
Mar 21, 2025

Proposed Potato Processing Plant in Grand Forks Get a Positive Vote in State Senate Committee
(File image) (KNOX) -A state Senate committee gave a do pass vote for proposed legislation that was crafted for a potato processing facility in Grand Forks. Agristo, Belgian company, said they it would open its first North American operation in Grand...
Mar 23, 2025

Grand Forks Police Department is Taking Applications for Summer Programs
(File image) (KNOX) - Applications are being accepted for the Grand Forks Police Department's annual youth and adult programs. Students entering the seventh or eighth grade can take part in in the IMPACT Academy. Grand Forks Public School students h...
Mar 24, 2025

Prosecution Rests its Case in Nicole Rice Murder Trial in Grand Forks County
(File image) (KNOX) - The prosecution wrapped up its case in Grand Forks County Court in the Nicole Rice murder trial. Police allege that Rice stabbed Anita Knutson to death inside their off-campus apartment in Minot in 2007. Knutson, 18, was found s...
Mar 25, 2025