
SBHE approves raises for Hagerott, school presidents

By Pat Sweeney Jun 27, 2023 | 4:28 PM

The North Dakota Board of Higher Education has voted to renew University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott’s contract.

The Board is also increasing his salary by 6 percent. That brings his salary to $424,035.

The vote today (Tue) was 7-to-1. The lone “no” vote came from Jeffry Volk of Fargo.

Meanwhile, the board voted to give the college and university presidents raises of six percent. But some board members say the presidents are still underpaid.

Board member Nick Hacker said the vice-chancellors and staff in the North Dakota University System office have received equity adjustments.

Hacker said: “For two years, we’ve been talking about how our presidents in some instances are under-compensated but not just a little bit. Some of them are significantly under-compensated. And here we sit, and we made equity adjustments for everybody except for those presidents and it’s far too long that we kicked this can down the road.”

A study is being done to look at the salaries of the presidents. Hacker proposed that – once the study has been done, the Board needs to take some action — or the equity adjustments given to the vice-chancellors should be rescinded.

Chancellor Mark Hagerott said the proposal caught him by surprise: “I can assure you that many campuses were giving equity raises to their staff to keep them so they don’t lose people. And we have highly qualified staff. You’ve heard how many people praise them. This doesn’t send a strong retention signal for them to stay.”

The Board voted 6-to-2 in favor of Hacker’s proposal.








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