
It’s official: Hwy. 91 is ND’s shortest

By Pat Sweeney Mar 6, 2023 | 5:36 PM

It’s now official: Highway 91 has been declared by the state legislature as North Dakota’s shortest highway.

Highway 91 is a little more than a quarter-mile long, and runs between U-S Highway 52 and State Highway 3 on the west side of Harvey (ND).

The bill carrier, Fargo Rep. Laurie Beth Hager, explained: The request comes from city officials in Harvey who are exploring ideas for developing a mini-tourist attraction. Perhaps a ‘91 fun run’ or the ‘mini-Harvey marathon,’ or maybe (a) ‘Get it Done on the 91’ sack race.”

After the bill passed unanimously in the Senate, the House approved it today (Mon) on a vote of 85-to-2.

Signs will be placed along the road, designating it as the state’s shortest highway.


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