A North Dakota House committee took testimony today (Thu) on a bill that would prohibit the State Board of Higher Education from on-campus bans of concealed firearms owned by anyone allowed to carry them.
But other than the bill’s sponsor, Bismarck Republican Rep. Matt Heilman, no one spoke in favor of it.
Lake Region State College President Doug Darling said his campus sees growing numbers of students with mental and behavioral health issues, but with one counselor on campus, they can’t keep up with demand.
“Already this year, we’ve had two attempted suicides,” Darling said. “They weren’t successful because they used prescription medications and tried to overdose. Had they used firearms, I don’t think we’d be talking about attempted suicides.”
Darling added: “I fully support the Second Amendment, I feel we should have the right to protect ourselves, but we have to balance that against the other side. It scares the heck out of me.”
Two representatives of the State University System spoke in opposition, including Director of Student Affairs Katie Fitzsimmons, who said, historically, few violent crimes are seen on state campuses.
“Ninety-seven percent of UND students report feeling safe on their campus,” Fitzsimmons said, “which stands to reason that many students, faculty and staff do not feel the need to be armed, and why some of our campuses do not have a need for a full police force.”
The president of the North Dakota Student Association also testified against the measure.
Commenting on the bill during a virtual town hall meeting on Wednesday, UND President Andrew Armacost said the bill “requires close scrutiny,” adding: “My goal is always to make sure we have a safe campus and a campus where everyone feels welcome.”
The House Energy and Natural Resources Committee took no action on the bill.