
EGF eyes HAWK pedestrian system

By Doug Barrett Apr 14, 2022 | 9:21 AM

It looks like members of the East Grand Forks council are big HAWK fans.  Despite concerns from the Minnesota DOT the city is leaning towards installing the High-Intensity Activated crossWalK – or Hawk system – at the intersection of Bygland and 13th Street SE.

City Engineer Steve Emery says MNDOT has raised a few issues with the safety system including location and cost.  “Confusion maybe for both drivers and pedestrians because you do have different phases with those lights.”

Mayor Steve Gander believes the HAWK would be a huge safety improvement.  “if there is any learning it’s on the part of the motorist not on the part of the  pedestrian.  You don’t have third graders driving cars so to me that’s irrelevant.”

Gander says there would likely need to be an education component if the system is installed.  The city could target State Aid Allocation Dollars to fund the $263,000 dollar install.  The council could approve plans and specs for the project as soon as next week.

A system is already in use on the UND campus.


Picture:  EGF staff report


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