
GF board halts plan for teacher layoffs

By Doug Barrett Apr 20, 2021 | 8:42 AM

The Grand Forks School Board hit the pause button last night on reducing teaching positions next year in light of budget constraints.  Last week members agreed to trim over $4.4 million dollars from the 2021-22 spending plan.  Mixed in with program cuts and reductions were the elimination of staff positions – beyond those lost through attrition.

During the meeting Superintendent Terry Brenner outlined the district’s financial difficulties including spending $11.5 million dollars of general fund money on facility needs since 2016.

Four hours into individual RIF hearings for those teachers being cut the board broke from Executive Session.  Board President Amber Flynn called for a motion putting the process on hold.  “At this time I move the board find the reasons for non-renewal have not been substantiated and the non-renewal process be dismissed.”

The motion was approved six to two.  It would have marked the first time in 36 years that the district eliminated staff for budget reasons.

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Statement from Superintendent Terry Brenner:

“On the evening of Monday, April 19, Grand Forks school system administration determined that it was in the best interest of the teachers involved to not proceed with the Reduction in Force (RIF) process this school year based on the discussions of the School Board in executive session.

Each of the teachers involved will retain their employment with Grand Forks Public Schools. The administration recommended and the School Board approved, that each of the teachers who waived their right to a RIF hearing would also retain their employment with Grand Forks Public Schools.

Upon the guidance of the school district legal counsel and due to the discussions occurring in executive session under North Dakota Century Code, the school system will have no further comment.”


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