
Senate Appropriations Committee reviews UND budget request

By Doug Barrett Jan 19, 2021 | 1:20 PM

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Leaders of the University of North Dakota traveled to Bismarck on Monday to make their case for a so-called “needs-based” budget for the upcoming biennium. President Andrew Armacost told members of the Senate Appropriations Committee that investing in higher education has a proven track record.

Vice-President of Finance and Operations Jed Shivers told lawmakers the proposed executive budget plan would result in an $8.7 million dollar decrease in funding for the university. According to Shivers the cut translates into about 71 FTE’s.

During the 2017-19 biennium UND reduced operations to the tune over $25.6 million dollars and eliminated 166 positions. Shivers says the budget request would help maintain a growing enrollment…improve retention…and retain high qualified faculty and staff. The V-P adds “operational and financial predictability does yield stability.”

On the capital side of the ledger UND is requesting $56 million in state funding for renovations to Merrifield and Twamley Halls to be matched with $23 million in local dollars. Another 15 million would target repairs on UND’s flight apron.


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