
Grand Forks Airport Authority reviews application, Delta delays, legislative ‘ask’

By Jim Johnson Jul 25, 2024 | 11:35 AM

(KNOX) – Delta Airlines is getting back to normal operations… after a software glitch caused more than 5,500 flights to be cancelled.
There were no cancellations at Grand Forks International Airport, but scattered two-hour delays. Ryan Riesinger, executive director of the Grand Forks Airport Authority said the midnight flight Sunday into Grand Forks did not arrive until Monday afternoon.
Riesinger says the Airport will ask for $30 million from the North Dakota Legislature during the 2025-27 biennium. The money would go toward the $75 million balance for reconstruction of the primary cross-wind runway.

Grand Forks’ application for a federal Small Community Air Service Grant was sent Tuesday to the Federal Department of Transportation.
Pledges from local businesses and entities totaled $500,000… half of the competitive $1 million grant.
Riesinger says it could be October before Grand Forks learns that its application is accepted.
If it is, Riesinger says about six months would be needed for advance bookings on United Airlines flights to and from Denver.
He says at the earliest, flights could begin in the fall of 2025.

Safety at the intersection of U.S. Highway 2 and Airport Road was recently discussed by the North Dakota DOT, area law enforcement and Grand Forks Airport officials.
Riesinger says the strongest solution recommended was a roundabout.
Commissioner Tim Mutchler says a roundabout would be considered inconvenient to truck drivers.
“What’s there is working,” Mutchler said.
Grand Forks County Sheriff Andy Schneider said issuing speeding tickets is like shooting fish in a barrel.
The State DOT is the lead agency on the project.