
Back to the drawing board for the Grand Forks Sheriff’s Office location committee

By Jim Johnson Jul 3, 2024 | 7:06 AM

(KNOX) – The location committee for the Grand Forks County Sheriff’s Office will further discuss its options for expansion.
Sheriff Andy Schneider advised the Grand Forks County Commission of the leasing agreement… and remodeling or demolition of the old jail Tuesday night. Committee member and Commissioner Rob Rost recommended that the committee meet and reach a final and formal decision by August.
The County also discussed what can be done to improve safety at the intersection of County Road 5 and Highway 2. Commissioner Rob Rost says 41 fatal accidents have occurred in 10 years at the intersection and he was present at a number of those fatalities when he was county sheriff. He recommends an overhead with on-and-off ramp exits and entrances… similar to the overpass over Highway 2 at Emerdo.
Ed Pavlish, district engineer for the North Dakota D-O-T, says practically any option is on the table if the community gives enough support.
The county altered speed limits to 55 miles per hour for County Roads 5, 6 and 25.