
No disciplinary action, but GF Schools Superintendent must improve communication with GFPA

By Jim Johnson May 21, 2024 | 12:39 PM

(KNOX) – A special meeting of the Grand Forks School Board Monday night agreed for no disciplinary action against Superintendent Dr. Terry Brenner…but he needs to improve communication with the Grand Forks Principals Association.
Board President and primary investigator Amber Flynn said principals lost trust in Dr. Brenner’s leadership after his override of budget recommendations, which he has the power to do. The District is attempting to get the general fund balance at 15 percent by 2026.
Flynn said that Brenner’s actions did not violate any relevant school policies…but she recommended a series of leadership checks between Dr. Brenner and the GFPA.
The board unanimously approved Flynn’s recommendations. Board member Dr. Eric Lunn said it’s clear that there are trust issues. He said that future complaints should be investigated by an independent party.