
UND land sale on hold

By Doug Barrett Oct 27, 2023 | 11:01 AM

A request by the University of North Dakota for permission to sell 24 acres of land was postponed by members of the North Dakota Board of Higher Education – for now. The board sent the matter back to the Budget and Finance Committee for review.

The sale also needs legislative approval and was placed on the NDUS agenda in anticipation of action during this week’s special session. The amendment was narrowly defeated with some lawmakers suggesting it didn’t rise to the level of an emergency.

UND President Andy Armacost says knowing the legislature won’t take a second look until 2025 there’s no rush for the board to act. Armacost says the ultimate goal is to reduce the footprint of the campus.  “Student housing and apartment on the northwest corner of our campus.  The plan has been since 2016 and our strategic master plan to eventually phase those out.  That plan is happening quicker than we expected which opens the opportunity for the sale of this land.”

Armacost says proceeds from the sale would offset deferred maintenance projects elsewhere. The board will likely revisit the issue in December.