
Man charged with sexual assault of girls in Bemidji

By Pat Sweeney Sep 29, 2023 | 8:20 AM

Bemidji Police have arrested a man after an 11-year-old girl told authorities that she and two other girls were tied up and raped by several men at a Bemidji home.

On Sept. 23rd, the Bemidji Sanford Hospital’s emergency department called police on an assault complaint.

According to court documents, the 11-year-old said she was with a woman who forced her to drink alcohol.

She said a bag was placed over her head, and she was taken to a home, where she was stripped… tied up between two other girls…and raped.

The girl said another girl was in a closet, while the third girl was bloody and unconscious.

Authorities arrested 22-year-old Oscar Luna. He’s charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Beltrami County. Luna was also arrested on a warrant from Hennepin County.

Police say several other people were identified at the scene, eleven of whom were transported by U.S. Border Patrol to be processed as illegal immigrants.

The investigation is ongoing.




