
EGF temporarily suspends SRO program

By Doug Barrett Sep 5, 2023 | 8:50 PM

East Grand Forks is the latest Minnesota city to put its School Resource Officer program on hold.

The city council agreed tonight (Tuesday) to temporarily suspend the SRO agreement with School District 595 until changes are made to a new state law.  That law prevents SRO’s from using force to restrain a student who may cause harm.

Mayor Steve Gander says the law puts law enforcement in an unfair situation.  “By taking away a School Resource Officer’s appropriate use of force you tip the scales in favor of criminal activity.  You take away the ability to protect innocent people and increase the risk of kids making poor choices.”  Gander says that doesn’t mean the EGFPD won’t have a school presence as non-SRO’s are not subject to the law change.  He says two officers will regularly patrol the schools…participate in educational events…and immediately respond to any calls for help.

Suspending the contract also has a financial implication for the city as the school district pays 65% of an SRO’s salary and benefits.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has not ruled out calling a special session to address the issue.