
Armacost announces changes to UND mask policy

By Pat Sweeney Feb 24, 2022 | 5:23 PM

(From UND:)

In the past few weeks – both within the University of North Dakota and Grand Forks County – we’ve seen a definite downward trend in the number of COVID-19 infections. Nationwide, the Centers for Disease Control also reports a sharp drop in the number of daily COVID-19 cases.

This is certainly good news, and while we can all hope it’s a sign we’re nearing a return to normalcy, we can’t assume the pandemic is over. However, these positive trends enable us to relax UND’s current masking policy as we continue to monitor COVID developments within the UND and the Greater Grand Forks communities.

Therefore, effective immediately, we are modifying our current mask requirements for the UND campus in the following manner:

  • Masks are requiredin classrooms, Student Health Services, the University Children’s Learning Center, COVID-19 testing sites at the Pollard Center and Wilkerson Commons, and educational spaces such as labs, simulation spaces, clinical spaces, etc.
  • Faculty members have the option to teach without a mask, provided they keep sufficient distance from students. A student who is giving a speech or is involved in another form of performance may follow the same principle.
  • Masks are requiredwhile in line at Wilkerson Dining and at first-floor dining spaces within the Memorial Union, but not while eating or drinking.
  • Masks are encouraged, but not required, in other indoor public places.
  • Programs with clinical requirements that place students or faculty members in contact with vulnerable patients may adopt additional mask requirements.
  • If you are working with or speaking with another person and they ask to you wear a mask, please do so as a matter of courtesy and respect.

Those seeking additional individual protection should consider using KN95 or N95 masks, which are available from the Office of Public Safety at 3851 Campus Road or from the Student Involvement Office in the Memorial Union. Mask signage is available for classrooms and other common areas.

In the coming weeks, we might see even stronger evidence that the worst of the pandemic is behind us, and we could see additional relaxation of mask requirements. Until then, we must abide by the latest on-campus masking policy and be respectful of those who ask you to wear a mask in their presence.

I commend all those in our campus community for their efforts to battle through and get past the latest spike caused by the COVID omicron variant. Let’s continue to work together to keep those COVID numbers going down so we can enjoy the springtime weather just around the corner.

With respect,

Andy Armacost, President
University of North Dakota




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