
Juvenile arrested for new violence threat at 2nd WF middle school

By Pat Sweeney Dec 9, 2021 | 4:46 PM

For the second time this week, a threat of violence was directed at a West Fargo middle school.

West Fargo Police say a juvenile from Fargo was taken into custody at 12:30 this (Thu) afternoon for threatening violent acts at Liberty Middle School. The threat was seen on Snapchat.

The threat came in around 11:30 a.m. and was reported to a School Resource Officer via “text-a-tip.”

The investigation indicated that the individual acted independently and that there are no additional suspects.

Police say there was apparently no intent to carry out the threat … but it did cause fear and concern for public safety… which resulted in the arrest.

The Cass County State’s Attorney’s Office will consider charging the suspect for the act of Terrorizing, a Class C Felony.

On Tuesday, two juveniles were arrested for threats of violence at West Fargo’s Cheney Middle School, causing the school to go to online learning or a day.

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WFPD release:

(West Fargo, N.D. – Dec. 9, 2021) At approximately 12:30 p.m., a juvenile Fargo resident was taken into custody for threatening violent acts at Liberty Middle School on the social media platform, Snapchat. This threat came in at approximately 11:30 a.m. and was reported to a School Resource Officer via text-a-tip.


This threat was investigated and the suspect was identified. The investigation indicated that the individual acted independently and that there are no additional suspects to identify. West Fargo Public Schools have been notified of the arrest. Through the investigation, it was determined that there was no intent to carry out the threat but it did cause fear and concern for public safety which resulted in the arrest.


A report will be forwarded to the Cass County State’s Attorney’s for consideration of charging the suspect for the act of Terrorizing, a Class C Felony under North Dakota Century Code. Due to the ongoing nature of this juvenile case, the West Fargo Police Department cannot provide any further comment.


The West Fargo Police Department would like to commend the students who reported the threat and helped bring this to a positive conclusion. The West Fargo Police Department will have an increased presence at all West Fargo Public Schools.


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