
US to reopen land borders…Canada…in November

By Doug Barrett Oct 13, 2021 | 8:39 AM

The U.S. is moving to lift pandemic-related restrictions at points of entry along the U.S./Mexico and U.S./Canada borders.

The reopening of land borders to nonessential travel next month ends a 19-month freeze due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  International visitors will need to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.  Vehicle, rail and ferry travel between the U.S. and Canada and Mexico has been largely restricted to essential travel, such as trade, since the beginning of the pandemic.

The rules will allow fully vaccinated foreign nationals U.S. entry regardless of the reason for travel. That starts in early November, when a similar easing of restrictions kicks in for air travel.

U.S. Senator John Hoeven says the move is long overdue.  U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar called it good news.  “Businesses have suffered and health and family have been separated for too long.”


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